Read the latest publication from one of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital’s Haematology Registrar’s, Dr Zi Ng:

Blood Cancer Research WA would like to congratulate Dr Zi Ng on her latest Publication, in which her focus was to compare and assess the impact of induction Chemoimmunotherapy regimens in patients with Mantle Cell Lymphoma (an uncommon and typically aggressive form of lymphoma), who are eligible for transplant.

When asked about her latest publication, Zi commended Associate Professor Chan Cheah, Clinical Haematologist and Director of BCRWA:

The goal of research is to answer the unknown question. The value of a mentor like Associate Prof Chan Cheah whilst one is starting out is invaluable. I would like to thank him for his guidance in bringing this research project to fruition.”


Dr Zi Ng graduated with a medical degree (MBBS) from UWA in 2011. She has trained in Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital since 2011 and completed her basic physician training in 2016. Dr Ng completed a diploma in Palliative Medicine in 2017 and started Haematology Advanced Training in 2018.

An area of special interest to Dr Ng is lymphoma. Her goal is to “Become a well-rounded Haematologist with a passion for holistic care for my patients – to ensure we work together to develop a management plan that is the best fit for them”.