As 2019 draws to a close, Blood Cancer Research WA (BCRWA) reflect on what a spectacular year we have had in Western Australia.

BCRWA has seen its FIRST fully-functioning year and what a difference it has already made to blood cancer patients by providing them with hope by being able to access Clinical Trials:

  • 21 haematology clinical trials are now currently open for patients in WA, compared to NINE in 2018 (as BCRWA launched)
  • 1st ever haematology clinical trial opened at Hollywood and has recruited NINE patients with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia)
  • 57 patients have been recruited onto NINE clinical trials at LINEAR Clinical Research. Compared to ZERO before BCRWA began
  • 280 blood cancer patients are currently on clinical trials thanks to BCRWA!


2019 has been the greatest start to Blood Cancer Research WA that we could have wished for. We cannot wait to see what is achieved in 2020!!