As part of a recent presentation, Associate Professor Chan Cheah, Clinical Haematologist and Director of BCRWA shared the below chart which looks at Lymphoma incidence in Australia versus WA.

Whilst the incidences in Australia as a whole have increased on a steady level, there have been clear, yet not fully understood, peaks and falls in WA lymphoma cases since the 1980s.

As is the norm with Lymphoma world-wide, there have been more cases diagnosed in men than in women. Currently, there are approximately 5000 Australian diagnosed each year, with 654 Western Australians diagnosed in 2017.

Continuing research into the disease & new and improved treatment is vital to help current and future patients suffering with Lymphoma.

Along with our supporters and our collaborating health institutions, Blood Cancer Research WA is committed to providing excellence in diagnosis, treatment and clinical research for WA blood cancer patients.

Visit our website to find out more about BCRWA, currently recruiting Clinical Trials and how to Donate to this worthy cause!