Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group National Blood Cancer Registry
This study contains no assessments above those that would be offered as standard of care. Information from clinical investigations (including results obtained from testing on tissue samples collected at baseline as routine standard of care or testing of newly identified prognostic markers on excess tissue samples stored at baseline that are conducted to enhance treatment) will be periodically sent by staff at the treating site for inclusion on the registry database. If a patient is identified as suitable for an ALLG clinical trial by their treating physician, they will be approached for consent to this regisitry. Where the screening tests for the potential trial are the same and at the same timepoint as those in the registry, tests will not need to be repeated as information will be obtained from the registry database. Patients who are enrolled onto another clinical trial will remain in the registry, with periodic updates of disease status and treatment submitted to the registry by staff at the treating site, unless consent is withdrawn. Accrual to the registry is ongoing without any particular endpoint. When consent to registry is sought, patients will also be offered the opportunity to donate blood and bone marrow samples to the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) Biobank, which stores samples and approves sample for use in suitable formal research applications in haematological malignancies.
Suspected or Known or Diagnosed Blood Cancer
The Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) National Blood Cancer Registry (NBCR) is an ongoing collection of information and patient samples for patients with suspected, or known, or diagnosed blood cancer.
Who is it for?
You may be eligible to contribute to this registry if you are aged 15 years or above and have suspected, or known, or diagnosed blood cancer.
Study details
Patients will be enrolled when blood cancer is suspected, or known, or diagnosed. The following information will be collected:
* clinical information prior to diagnosis
* induction treatment summary and response to treatment
* consolidation treatment summary and response to treatment
* 6 months post diagnosis summary and response to treatment
* annual treatment summary and response to treatment
* clinical information at relapse
Patients that are subsequently found not to have blood cancer will have no further follow up.
Patients that are identified as potential candidates for ALLG clinical trials will be consented separately for these trials.
Patients will also be offered the opportunity to donate blood and bone marrow samples to the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) Bio Bank, which stores samples and approves formal research applications to use these samples in further research into haematological malignancies.
The registry is expected to enhance recruitment to ALLG clinical trials by increasing cross referrals to sites which are running particular studies, to ensure appropriate screening procedures are conducted prior to the commencement of treatment, to facilitate the implementation of central review and central testing of factors critical to the successful treatment of blood cancer, to enhance consistency in clinical trial populations to ensure trial results are meaningful, to ensure that appropriate samples are collected to minimise repeat procedures to satisfy trial entry requirements (e.g repeat bone marrows), and to store tissue to enable future additional analyses as new biomarkers and molecular subtypes of blood cancers are identified, thus enhancing treatment and ensuring that clinical trial results remain relevant in the current landscape of blood cancer treatment.
Key inclusion criteria
1. Male or female with a suspected, or known, or diagnosed blood cancer
2. Aged 15 and over
3. Has provided written informed consent
Key exclusion criteria
Dr. Carolyn Grove
Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group